i'm jus' tryin to up my drawing skills. i needa do more 3d shit though.
Nice character model, way better than what I can do so far. I think trying to do these kinds of characters are hella hard to pull off... for me at least.
Media Arts and Animation major at AiSD and closing in on graduating :) interests are: ANY form of art (oviously) preferably 3d, mainstream music, fall fashion, food!!, love movies and games, napping, cool gadgets, and of course-- my service. yeah, that pretty much sums up my life :)
take a gander at my stuff--hope u like what u see. comments n suggestions are always welcome..
i'm jus' tryin to up my drawing skills. i needa do more 3d shit though.
Nice character model, way better than what I can do so far. I think trying to do these kinds of characters are hella hard to pull off... for me at least.
Comment my artwork damn it! haha
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